Team manager : Frédéric AUBRIET
Topic 1 : Catalysis and adsorption
The group ”Catalysis and Adsorption”, mainly located on Saint-Avold site, develops their research on the design and characterization of the active sites, and studies performances of adsorbents and catalysts (zeolites, nanostructured and functionalized carbons and oxides, oxide-supported metals…) for:
– nuclear safety (trapping of volatile iodized compounds, RuO4…)
– removal of aqueous pollutants by advanced oxidation process (Fenton, photocatalysis…)
– trapping and transformation by catalysis of gaseous pollutants (NOx, COV, CO2…)
A transverse activity consists in detecting, by in situ spectroscopy (IR/DRIFTS, UV-Vis…), catalysis intermediates and in elaborating reaction mechanisms.

Charge transfer complexes between iodine
and functionnalized mesoporous silica

Identification of NOx species
adsorbed on CeO2 at 350°C
Topic 2 : Complex organic matrix analysis for energy and environment
The mass spectrometry group develops targeted and non-targeted approaches for :
– The analysis of atmospheric particle contaminants et organic compounds persistent in soils and waters,
– The study and the valorization of the lignocellulosic biomass and plastics for the development of sustainable alternatives to fossil resources (biofuels, value-added chemicals…)

Topic 3 : Active molecules
In a first line of research, the mass spectrometry group uses and develops metabolomic approaches for the screening of active molecules in biological systems, such as plants and vegetal extracts.
In a second research axis, the organic synthesis group performs multi-step synthesis of heterocycles with potential biological applications. To this end, the team promotes the use of bio-sourced or deep-eutectic solvents and alternative activation methods (microwave, ultrasound) for more eco-responsible practices.

Regular members
- Frédéric AUBRIET (Professeur EN)
- Bruno AZAMBRE (Professeur EN)
- Philippe BURG (Professeur EN)
- Vincent CARRÉ (Professeur EN)
- Patrick CHAIMBAULT (Professeur EN)
- Alain COMEL (Maître de conférences HDR EN)
- Amadou DICKO (Professeur émérite EN)
- Gisèle FINQUENEISEL (Professeure EN)
- Christel GILQUIN (Adjointe technique EN)
- Marisa GOMES-MAIA (Chercheur associé EN)
- Jasmine HERTZOG (Ingénieure de recherche EN)
- Stéphanie HESSE (Professeure EN)
- Jean-François LONGEVIAL (Maître de conférences EN)
- Pierre MAGRI (Ingénieur de recherche EN)
- Muriel MATT (Maître de conférences EN)
- Ali MODARRESSI (Maître de conférences (Cum Merito) EN)
- Nicolas OGET (Professeur EN)
- Sandrine RUP-JACQUES (Ingénieure d’études EN)
- Mohammad SAMADI (Professeur EN)
- Sébastien SCHRAMM (Maître de conférences EN)
- Michèle SINDT (Maître de conférences HDR EN)
- Lionel VERNEX-LOSET (Ingénieur de recherche EN)
- Thierry ZIMNY (Professeur EN)
PhD students and Postdocs
- Karim ABBAS (Doctorant EN)
- Louise CADONA (Doctorante EN)
- Felipe MARTINS (Doctorant EN)
- Thien Thuy Trang NGUYEN (Doctorante EN)
- Farès SLIMANI (Doctorant EN)
- Nathan TRAULLÉ (Doctorant EN)
- Théo VOELLINGER (Doctorant EN)