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Laboratory of Chemistry and Physics - Multi-scale approach of Complex Media

The LCP-A2MC laboratory is a research unit of the University of Lorraine (UL), created in 2012 and related to the scientific pole of Molecular Chemistry and Physics (CPM) of the UL. It results from  the merger of 4 research units of chemistry and physics and is located on 3 sites in Moselle (Metz, Saint-Avold, and Forbach).

The Metz site comprises majority of the personnel at the Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Institute (ICPM) at Metz-Technopôle. The IUT of Moselle-Est hosts the employees of Saint-Avold and Forbach.

The LCP-A2MC comprises 3 research teams working in the fields of Chemistry and Physics, with the support of experimental platforms and a computing center.

Our 3 research teams


Colloid rheophysics, disorder
in atomic systems


Nanoscience for catalysis, photocatalysis, and bio-detection

Sustainable chemistry
and environment

Contaminants, depollution, sustainable resource management

Our plateforms

Metz site of the NMR Plateform (Pole CPM)

one computing center PMMS associated with Mésocentre