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Une école de l'Université de Lorraine

International Workshop on Metallic Nano-Objets

International Workshop on Metallic Nano-Objets

Université de Technologie - 12, rue Marie Curie - 10000 TROYES
Ecole doctorale NANO-PHOT
Type de manifestation: 
Journée d'étude

Suzanna AKIL interviendra dans ce workshop pour présenter le sujet suivant :

" Plasmonic photocatalysis: Mechanisms and environmental applications "

The photocatalysis is one of the most promising solutions for tackling the energy crisis and environmental issues. In this lecture, we introduce the latest research progress of plasmonic photocatalysis from theory to application. The fundamental advances for hydrogen production from water splitting using plasmon-enhanced semiconductor photocatalysis are particularly reported. Students will therefore learn about the optical mechanisms behind photocatalysis process including enhanced light absorption, hot electrons injection, etc. The recent synthesis strategies for nanomaterials-based photocatalyst will be also summarized.

School on Nanophotonics and Sustainability